23 March 2007

Where there's smoke there's fire...right?

I finally caved and went to see the doctor yesterday. My doctor was so busy that I had to see one of his side kicks (dear side kick I was not really blown away by your expertise - it was probably a once off event).

Initially I phoned for an apointment:

Voice, "Medicross, Albert speaking how may I help you?"

Me, " I'd like to make an appointment to see doctor Trevor".
Albert, "Sorry he's fully booked till half past six".
Me,"Okay, well can I have the one after that then?"
Albert, "No, sorry we don't make any appointments for him for later than half past six."
Me, "Looks like he's becoming too popular, maybe I should go somewhere else?"
Albert, "NOOOO!!! Your doctor is like your husband...you can't just leave them!"
Me, "So if we brake up do I get half back?"
Albert...chuckles, "Uhm...no...probably not."
Me, "Who else is good there?"

Albert wisely decides not to pick a favourite and tells me to come in and see the first available doctor...this actually took less time than I thought due to the fact that flu season is not in full swing yet and there are almost 30 doctors there.

I end up seeing a woman doctor there. When I told her I wasn't even aware that they had any she got very huffy with me and gave me an injection on the but. Apparently she started two weeks after Dr.Trevor seven years ago...well your bedside manner needs a bit of tweaking no wonder you're always available!

Anyway, with that behind me (pun intended) - I decided to take it easy and get an early-ish night. Only to wake up at 3:30AM because the power went off and my brother's celing fan makes a thumping noise when slowing down. Also I'm not sure if this is a side effect of my medication but I woke up and I was sure I could smell plastic burning...eeeeeeuw! At first I thought maybe someone was burning something outside my window to drug me so they could steal my laptop (this is not really as irrational as it may sound), but when I peeped outside there was no one there. Eventually I actually got up and randomly unplugged stuff allover the house just in case...I did not sleep easy after that because I was convinced of our imminent DOOM stuck in a death trap fire hazard or something.

But now I know better...my throat is burning like a house on fire and I smell burnt platic everywhere I go, but no one else does (lucky them - I mean have you smelt burnt plastic?!). I'm pretty sure my throat is not actually made of plastic, so I don't know what's going on?

Hope everything goes back to normal soon...looks like it's going to be a weekend of quality time with Tigger, DVDs and honeyed herbal teas.


Unknown said...

Gou gesond raak !!!

van Anton Ceres oppi Kwaaiplaas

Louisa said...

Dankie man! Wow...dis nou 'n verassing om jou hier raak te loop - dankie vir die comment!
Sien jou op die plaas!

Gobody said...

Maybe your flu is giving you a respite from your partying life :). Get better soon so you can tease me again with more parties ;)

Louisa said...


I guess you're right...it seems to be a health enforced rest period.

I am feeling alot better already - so I should be up and about again in no time! Thanks for wishing me well. :-)

How are you doing at the new job?