17 December 2006

This weeks fine selection of quotes to keep you going...

The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax – Albert Einstein (Thanks Adam!)

There is more to life than increasing its speed – Mohandas Gandi (Thanks Adam!)

We are made wise not by our past, but by the responsibility for our future – George Bernard (Thanks Adam!)

A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity – Proverbs 17:17

I am not on this earth by chance. I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply all my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy. – Og Mandino (The Greatest Salesman in the World)


Gobody said...

who is this greatest salesman in the world, he seems to be full of wisdom?

Louisa said...

It's an inspirational story book that a friend of mine gave me as a gift - it's all about starting with nothing and conquering the world with integrity and determination...glad you like it!

Gobody said...

What is that book called?

Louisa said...

That is the actual name of the book Gobody - The greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino.