31 December 2006

New years resolutions...

I know a lot of people hate making these but I really get a kick out of them…also I tie myself in knots trying to actually do it and have great fun along the way. Not sure if mine are the typical resolutions…if there is even something like that?

For 2007 I have decided that 7 will be a suitable amount to keep me busy and make it look serious at the same time…so here goes!


Two… Walk as much as possible…look at the sky often…enjoy the simple things…plan less and experience more…breathe deeply.

Three…Study hard…be passionate in my thirst for knowledge again.


Five…Do enough yoga to be able to do the dreaded Four-Legged-Table position without hurting myself or looking too ridiculous.

Six…Try new things…be unafraid.

Seven…Host an awesome theme party…make time for old and new friends.

If it’s not too embarrassing (and maybe even then) I will post a monthly progress report… Hope that you will all have a spectacular new years bash and I hope that the whole of 2007 will be filled with wonder and adventure for you…Happy new year!!!


Gobody said...

These are spectacular resolutions; if you can keep them they will transform your life.

good luck ;)

Louisa said...

That's what I'm hoping for as well... Let me qualify that by saying that I am pretty happy with what I'm doing with it at the moment but it doesn't hurt to get some short and medium term goals to brighten up the part right?

Anonymous said...

Live life more everyday, or something like it!

I know this year will be a great one for you, for all of us in fact. Thank you for being a great friend in 2006, and here's to being even greater friends in 2007!


Louisa said...

Thanks Freddy!
Can’t wait to see what this year has in store for us all. Thank you for being my friend... You’ve definitely been one of the constants (good ones) in my life recently…here’s to friendship, adventure and happiness in 2007!!!

Gobody said...

I stopped doing new year resolutions many years ago because the only resolution which one can really make it to live up to the challenges in the coming year. bad habits life long ;)

Louisa said...

Gobody...i suppose you are right - but i still enjoy making them...a little challenge to myself!