19 November 2006

Quotes for this week...

This week selection:

Reality leaves a lot to the imagination – John Lennon (Thanks Adam)

Mother nature is not sweet – John Shelby Spong (Thanks Adam )

Definition – Moderation: This is not a word in the huntress’ vocabulary. Moderation is for bores. – Caroline Hurry (Handbook for the Huntress)

Never will I be of concern that my goals are too high for is it not better to aim my spear at the moon and strike only an eagle that to aim my spear at the eagle and strike only a rock? – Og Mandino (The Greatest Salesman in the World)

Complacency is a far more dangerous attitude than outrage – Naomi Littlebear


Gobody said...

I like John Lennon’s quote, I think that's exactly the function of reality, to spur imagination ;)

Gobody said...

Another comment here because comments were disabled on the other post! First thanks for the link, really appreciated :hug:

Second, how did your exams go, I hope they all went well. Now that it's summer in SA, are you going to take your summer vacation soon? I have never been under the equator, do I don't know how it goes there :)

Louisa said...

Sorry about that I don't know how that happened...I set the default but sometimes things just go wrong. I've fixed it now. ;-)
I don't know for sure how it went yet Gobody, because the results will only be out sometime in December...in the past my gut feel has been waaaay off on these things, so I don't even try to guess ahead anymore.
Glad you liked the quote!