07 January 2007

Easy does it...

After the hectic socialising of the last few months I am actually a little relieved to say that this week has been very easy going and relaxed…That’s the nice way of saying I am a lazy cow who needs her butt kicked to get going!

New years: first off new years was really nice – but unlike the normal new years bash that I’ve been part of in the past. To give you an example: the new year’s before this one we spent at the club and I was silly enough to be one of the last people to try and get off the dance floor when midnight struck…every single person in the club had their own bottle of champagne and I was showered in it…it smelled horrible and my hair was instantly transformed into a giant candy floss like dread lock! This year I went to a combination house warming/ new year’s braai at Wanette’s new house. A very pretty place where I am sure she will be extremely happy…(and loads of parking – which is something I love). We braai-ed chicken and fish (pic included) and attempted to empty a huge crate of booze that they had collected during the course of the year in the form of exotic bite sized cocktails. Good company, good food, and at midnight a magnificent view of the entire area and all the illegal fireworks (probably some legitimate ones too). Since fireworks have been outlawed for people who are not qualified to use them they have become a lot harder to source and this year also saw the arrival of pretty red emergency flares (still very available). I actually preferred that…not so noisy and it bathed the world in a warm and soft red light for much longer than the normal showier stuff.

Also I have noticed this week that my garden is taking on a life of it’s own! I started out with 8 bonsai and a little corner herb garden…this is a picture of my corner now! I received quite a lot of plants as gifts and my mom has given me a whole trolley full of ferns to rescue too. I am going to have to relook my set-up to accommodate all the new comers soon. Still…it’s nice to be surrounded by green!

Other things that happened this week is that I went to go see Eragon with Freddy and Adam…the company was brilliant as always… the movie however was a complete let down. Very erratic camera and music work with a really weak plot. Don’t go there! If you feel that you just HAVE to see it, I recommend catching it on TV (the free variety if you can).

Over this weekend I also took it nice and easy. I went text book shopping with Freddy on Saturday and had a nice Sunday lunch at *Esmerelda* and Jacobus’ place today. I’ll leave you with a nice sunset picture that I took on my drive home from there today and wish you a nice second week for 2007 from sunny South Africa. (How are you doing on your resolutions?)


weenie said...

Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog and posting!

A champagne shower - a great way to celebrate the new year but hope your dress wasn't spoiled!

Not gotten round to see Eragon, think I've missed it at the cinema so will have to get it on DVD. Planning on reading the book too this year!

Gobody said...

Happy New year to you. On new year's eve the next door kid have made the street sound like a battlefield! I think I am getting old, I enjoy fireworks only when I can admire it from far, not when it in front of my door. :-/

Louisa said...

Weenie: You are welcome, and thanks for commenting on mine!
The shower was different but at least it washed out pretty easy and it was the white ones so no stains (it's best to go to events where people may end up sparying you with chanpagne dressed in black I always say)...

Gobody:Happy new year to you too! I don't blame you...I don;t like the way it traumatises the animals...shame...and the reason why they've outlawed it here for normal private citizens is that alot of people were shooting it off when they'd been drinking and there were many injuries every year I guess...(that's probably only one of the reasons - but i think it's a pretty good reason).

Anonymous said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know I have already said it, but it doesn't hurt to say it again!

I liked the pic of the fish for the braai, looks good... This diet is now kicking in and I am starving!

To a rocking new year and to the best experiences...


Unknown said...

vdwHappy New Year to you all!!
Thanks for the comment on my house and so far I'm loving it!

Louisa said...

Freddy & Wanette: thanks for the good wishes! Happy new year to you too... :-) And thank you for being such great friends, don't know what I would do without you!