15 January 2007

trouble posting...

I am having a very had time posting and loading pictures…not sure if it’s on my side or Blogger’s. The weekly update will be late because of this. Sorry!


Gobody said...

Don't stress, blogger has been behaving unpredictably recently. but at least we can post :)

Louisa said...

Yay!!!! I have FINALLY been able to upload my pics and post my weekly update :-) - Just scroll down cause it kept the date as the 14th?!

The biggest problem was my dodgy connection from where I am this week - hopefully business as usual from Sunday...

Justin said...

Hey, came across your blog for the first time. Its nice to see Tiger. But hey, wat about dogs?? do you have any dogs. Its just a curiosity as I have 3 dogs myself.
and hey, just check this dog fashion clothing

take care

Louisa said...

Thanks for the comment...we have two dogs too. Diablo (Husky) and Nala (Chow) I'm sure I have some pucs of them on previous posts? I'll take something more current when we get home.

Louisa said...

Thanks for the comment...we have two dogs too. Diablo (Husky) and Nala (Chow) I'm sure I have some pucs of them on previous posts? I'll take something more current when we get home